Keep Raheja Resideny clean As a community, we need to maintain cleanliness and hygiene in Raheja. Given below are Do's and Don't's that residents are henceforth supposed to abide by. Animals littering the compound: It has been noticed that regular littering by some dogs within the complex causes a lot of inconvenience to residents, especially walkers. As a solution to control and minimize this problem, pet owners are requested to observe the following: 1.Please ensure that your dog does not dirty the complex. If you are not in the practice of taking your dog out, please use the outer walkway only and ensure that you clean up after your dog immediately. 2.Please educate your walker/ helper who might take your dog out to follow the same norms of cleanliness as above. There might still be other causes like monkeys or cats littering the compound which we will have to put up with, but we expect that residents adhering to the above will significantly reduce the bulk of the problem. General littering: In spite of several notices and circulars, some of us continue to disregard basic cleanliness requirements, e.g. leaving garbage out after specified time, littering the compound with food wrappers, soft drink bottles etc…and throwing litter out of the balcony, windows and utility which often lands in others' balconies or on passers-by. 1.Please adhere to timings for garbage disposal. 2.Use available trash cans in common areas and open areas for throwing litter. 3.Do not throw stuff out of the balconies for example, cigarette stubs, hair etc.. Debris after Renovation etc… Residents are expected to take responsibility for any debris left over after renovation/carpentry etc… in individual flats. It is not acceptable to leave unwanted material lying around in the common areas. 1. Please ensure that such debris is properly disposed of outside the complex.